Cluster members and partners
Who is part of the CREA Hydro&Energy cluster?
Cluster members
ABO valve s.r.o.
The largest manufacturer of butterfly valves in the Czech Republic. We shape the future and operation of many industrial sectors, including the regulation of water, air, oils, fuels, or chemicals.
www.abovalve.comAQUA PROCON s.r.o.
A multidisciplinary project and engineering company, we are among the leaders in the field of water management. Gradually, we have expanded our services to include urban infrastructure, road, land, and industrial construction.
www.aquaprocon.czAQUAS vodní díla s.r.o.
The company specializes in supplying technological units and construction works in water management. We carry out repairs, inspections, and installations of all types of waterworks closures – such as dam gates, valves, etc.
www.aquas.czAW-DAD, s.r.o.
The company offers design and engineering services related to investment construction, repairs, and maintenance on watercourses and hydrotechnical structures, as well as on secured waste disposal sites.
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
A state institution for monitoring weather conditions, watercourses, air quality, and climate change. It provides accurate weather forecasts and predictions of extreme events, and conducts research in the fields of hydrology, meteorology, and climatology.
www.chmi.czDESIGNTEC, s.r.o.
The company offers a wide portfolio of technical calculations and expertise based on the application of modern numerical simulation methods to improve product reliability and reduce manufacturing costs.
www.designtec.czELZACO, spol s.r.o.
The company specializes in the field of technological process management, design, and production of purpose-built machines and small hydroelectric power plants. We leverage our extensive experience in our work.
www.elzaco.czGEOtest, a.s.
CA traditional Czech company established in the market for over 50 years. We provide a wide range of services – from consulting to supply – in environmental fields, engineering geology, geotechnics, geophysics, and hydrogeology.
www.geotest.czGEOTOP ROSA s.r.o.
The company, established since 1995, is personnel, professionally, and technically capable of carrying out all surveying activities to fully meet the needs of customers in this area and related fields.
www.geotop.czGlobal Urga Trade, s.r.o.
A trading company specializing in geology and hydrogeology with a focus on exporting to foreign countries worldwide.
HG partner s.r.o.
The company provides expert support in the field of water management to state-owned water basin authorities, municipalities, cities, and individuals. We handle projects throughout the Czech Republic as well as abroad.
www.hgpartner.czIng. Jan Matoušek - AGROSTAV Jevíčko
Development, design, and construction company specializing in ecological buildings and technologies for renewable energy sources (water, wind, waste).
www.matousek.czIng. Petr Poštulka
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consulting.
Kavyl spol. s.r.o.
A company specializing in water management structures, landscaping, comprehensive green area maintenance, timber production, and repair and servicing of construction and specialized machinery.
www.kavyl.czMendel university in Brno
The oldest university in the field of agriculture and forestry in the Czech Republic, which deals with environmental protection, climate change, sustainability, circular economy, and many other areas.
www.mendelu.czPS PROFI s.r.o.
A development and implementation company specializing in special services for water structures with its own diving team for carrying out special works and repairs in flooded areas, including consultancy, training, and comprehensive supply.
www.psprofi.czPřátelská energie s.r.o.
A consulting firm specializing in economic, marketing, and educational consultancy, including a focus on digitalization and new technologies.
Strojírny Brno, a.s.
The company specializes in the production of water turbines and engineering technologies for waterworks and is a supplier of complete technological units for small hydropower plants.
www.strojirnybrno.comSecondary industrial school of construction Brno, p.o.
The vocational school in Brno offers the opportunity to study in the field of construction with a focus on building renovations and architecture, civil engineering, as well as transportation and water management structures.
www.spsstavbrno.czSun Drive s.r.o.
A promotional and marketing company operating at the international level, a partner for organizing official participations and trade fairs with state support, a partner of Power Gen and Hydropower&Dams trade fairs.
www.sundrive.czTECHNOTRADE spol. s.r.o.
The company offers comprehensive solutions for machine systems, combining expertise in hydraulics, electronics, software, and electric drives.
www.technotrade.czURGA, s.r.o.
The company focuses on services, applied research, and development in the field of natural and technical sciences, primarily geology, geotechnics, engineering geology, and hydrogeology.
www.urga.czVARS BRNO a.s.
The company focuses on innovations that help customers in the efficient management of transportation infrastructure and traffic control. Together with our clients, partners, and scientific institutions, we are advancing the world of traffic management.
www.vars.czVODNÍ DÍLA-TBD a.s.
Czech company specializing in water infrastructure safety, design, and flood protection. Its main activity is technical and safety supervision (TBD) over water structures.
www.vdtbd.czTechnical University Brno
Brno University of Technology, primarily involving the Institute of Water Structures with the Laboratory of Water Management Research and the Energy Institute with the Department of Fluid Engineering Viktor Kaplan.
www.vutbr.czVZD INVEST s.r.o.
A design company offering consultancy, design work, engineering services, grant processing, and supervision activities not only in the field of water management.
www.vzdinvest.czMembership in associations
National Cluster Association
www.nca.czAssociation for water in landscape of the Czech Republic, z.s.
www.tpuvz.czCzech Dam Committee
Water in Landscape - Center of Vocational Education
International partners of the cluster
CREA Company for the Construction of Dams & Hydropower Stations, Erbil
local representative of the association with the highest certificate for construction projects and implementation of works in Iraq.
Energoprojekt Hidroinzenjering, Belgrade
the most important Serbian company in the field of water resources management.
Institut for Hydropower Research, Hanoi
Vietnam State Hydropower Technology Research Institute
Pöyry Environment, a.s.
a multinational engineering and consulting company in the field of water resources and the environment.
CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.
Traubova 1546/6, 602 00 Brno • tel.: +420 773 789 264 • fax: +420 545 216 784 • datová schránka: k6cwfwe • e-mail: •