The iWATERMAP project is coming to an end. The aim of the project was to improve innovation policies to strengthen the critical mass of the development of innovation ecosystems in the water technology sector. Achieving a critical mass in innovation enables the partner regions to grow on their own in the development of innovation in the future, thereby creating conditions for increasing competitiveness and employment growth in the regions.
The CREA Hydro&Energy cluster represented the South Moravian Region in the project. As part of the project, a self-assessment of the region took place and road maps were drawn up, which showed the current and future state of development of critical mass, human resources and internationalization in the region. A road map of the JMK region can be downloaded below.
As part of the project, an action plan was developed, which was implemented in the sustainable phase of the project. In the action plan, the CREA cluster committed itself to the creation of a Voda v Krajina Professional Education Center. This center was founded and officially registered in the public register in March 2023. The second event was the organization of the international conference EXPO Water in Landscape, which took place on March 21 and 22 in Křtiny. On the first day, a professional conference was held on the topic of hydrology and drought, professional training and smart solutions for water. On the second day, there was an excursion and practical workshops for students. A photo from the conference is below.

As part of the sustainable phase of the iWATERMAP project, the action plan was successfully implemented and critical mass was strengthened in the region. Currently, the cluster continues to strengthen the innovation ecosystem by implementing the CircInWater, PoVE Upscaling and Water4All projects.
For more information, contact the iWATERMAP project coordinator Kristián Cely at cely@creacz.com