CREA Hydro&Energy

Water management

Ecological services

Renewable Energy

access to the members section

CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s. is a cluster of companies, research institutions and universities operating in the field of technologies for water works, water and waste management and renewable energy sources. Members of the cluster jointly participate in research, development and innovative products, promotion of the field, presentations and implementation of projects in the Czech Republic and in the world.

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Current projects

We select interesting projects,
behind which stands the clusterCREA Hydro&Energy

TACR Sigma – DC2

Development of a New Technology for Recyclable Dye Baths for Dyeing Cellulosic Materials

TQ15000057 The aim of the project is to develop an applicable and sustainable technology for recycling used dye baths from dyeing natural fabrics within the framework of experimental development and industrial research. Such baths contain, in addition to a high concentration of NaCl, unused dyes and auxiliary textile agents (surfactants). The technology we are developing […]

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OP TAK Collective Research 2

CZ.01.01.01/07/24_046/0004632 The primary motivation of the project is to streamline the technological process of cleaning contaminated water from polar organic contaminants, whose removal from water is currently technologically and financially demanding. This will be achieved through newly developed advanced sorption materials based on inorganic raw materials of natural origin. Their implementation into existing decontamination technologies […]

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Software platform for creating and operating digital twins

OP Application for Competitiveness - Call I.

Software platform for creating and operating digital twins of engineering structures and buildings using machine learning technology. Project registration number: CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000705 Support recipient: Designtec s.r.o., CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s. Project implementation period: July 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026 The project is co-financed by the European Union. The presented project is focused on developing a universal […]

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OP TAK Cluster development

OP TAK Cooperation - Clusters - Call I

Project registration number: CZ.01.01.01/07/23_011/0001296 Project implementation date: April 21, 2023 – June 30, 2026 The OPTAK Cluster Development project focuses on the development of innovative cluster as a tool for increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities, especially SME, and research sphere. The intention is to contribute to creating […]

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Boosting the triple transitions through innovative water-saving solutions

CircInWater is a 36-month European project running from 2022 to 2025, funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) through Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS). The main objective of the project is to support the triple transitions (green, digital, and resilient) and the development of water-smart solutions in the agrifood and energy-intensive industries. […]

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Platform for vocational education - CoVE WiL Vocational Center

The project from the Erasmus + Platform of Vocational Excellence WATER Scale-up (PoVE WATER Scale-up) is a transnational project drawing on the existing and emerging needs for professional competences, skills in the water sector and translating them into excellent professional quality. The project follows on from the PoVE Water Pilot Project. This ensures the upward […]

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events in the cluster CREA Hydro&Energy

Water4All 360° Water Experience Tour for Bachelor students

Water4All 360° Water Experience Tour for Bachelor students

Submissions close April 30th, 2025 The Water4All 360° Experience Tour is an exciting initiative designed for bachelor students, funded by the Water4All Partnership. This immersive program offers students a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge water technology, sustainability practices, and innovative solutions in the water sector. Through hands-on experiences, educational workshops, and interactive tours of leading […] read more...

EXPO Water in Landscape on the occasion of World Water Day was successful

April 5, 2024

EXPO Water in Landscape took place on the occasion of World Water Day. Its aim was to present the connection between research and innovation and practice in water management, respectively, their acceleration in the recent period, primarily driven by the consequences of climate change impacts and increased public interest in water management issues. The event […] read more...

Strengthening Ties: Czech Business Mission to Vietnam and the Philippines

March 26, 2024

In March, we had the honor of joining a dynamic business mission to Vietnam and the Philippines led by the Marek Výborný, Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The agenda of the mission was packed with fruitful engagements, including business forums, ministerial visits, and strategic partnerships with esteemed academic institutions such as Thuy Loi […] read more...

Contact us!

CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.

Traubova 1546/6, 602 00 Brno
tel.: +420 773 789 264  •  fax: +420 545 216 784
datová schránka: k6cwfwe  •  e-mail:

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EUROPSKÁ UNIE - Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj OP Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost CREA Hydro&Energy